Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I shared this in part of my Commandant's Comments for the Marine Corps League newsletter but I feel it is important to share it here, since many want only to honor the dead on military holidays because of their deep sorrow. But this leaves out the living. Please read this and realize how blessed we are to have those among us who served and were able to return to us again.
 "I realize many of us experienced loss far greater than we can express when we think back to our time of service, but let’s remember that this national holiday was given to us as a time to celebrate, or better yet commemorate, the Veteran. The original Veteran's Day proclamation reads in part: in order that a grateful Nation might pay appropriate homage to the Veterans of all its wars who have contributed so much to the preservation of this Nation….  Let us not take away the blessing for those who wish to pay homage to us and offer up a simple “it has been my honor”, because for me, it has indeed been an honor."
Yolanda Medina
Commandant, Wauk. Co. Det. MCL